John-Michael Becker

Don’t Date Your Siblings

We tend to be the most comfortable around our immediate family members, particularly around our siblings. The ways we tease, the ways we handle our temper, the standards we hold each other to… these are usually all different with our siblings compared to with our friends or with strangers. It can also be difficult to…

Your True Identity

Over the years of serving the orphans, pastoring at a church, and directing a healing/deliverance ministry, the subject of “identity” has stood out the most to me. With all the superhero movies in Hollywood this past decade, it seems the subject has been on their minds as well. “Who am I?” “Why am I here?” “How…

Marriage: How a “Perfect Match” Can Be Both a Lie and a Truth

I absolutely love being married to my wife Sky. We have so much fun together. We are truly a match made in heaven. And it’s when we meditate on that truth that God brought us together and that God is good, our marriage is so strong. And while we are a match made in heaven,…

Reflections on Biking Across Korea

  From September 6th – 10th I biked across Korea from the southeast city of Busan up to the northwest city of Seoul, which was over 500km (300+miles). I biked as a part of Ride Against Traffick, an event meant to bring greater awareness in regards to human trafficking, raise support for two organizations (including Oak…

Ride Against Traffick 2014

This Saturday morning I will begin biking across Korea, from Busan to Seoul (500+km, or 300+miles), to raise awareness of human trafficking and to raise support for two causes in Korea that are serving/protecting those vulnerable to being trafficked. I will be joined by about 45 riders and our trip will cover five days (September 6th…

Helping Guard a Young Woman’s Heart

I have discovered that people all mature differently not just physically, but also mentally, spiritually, and relationally. I have found some of the most spiritually mature people to be complete children in terms of dating and relationships with the opposite sex. I’ve been horrified by stories of pastors who straight up told a woman they liked,…

Jerusalem Ministry Soccer Camp 2014

Another powerful camp! We had 54 boys from 9 different children homes across Seoul attend along with 48 committed volunteers. For three days we met on the nice fields of Yongsan Army Base. The boys were split into four teams and went through practice/teamwork drills in the morning and then had scrimmages in the afternoon. More…

Stewarding Your Anointing

1Corinthians 4:20 – For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. While attending Virginia Tech I checked out a number of fellowships and churches. I found that most of them sang the same songs with similar instruments and similar skill level, but at certain fellowships I could feel the…

The Danger of Sympathy

This past Saturday we had our second quarterly meeting of 2014 with all of our Oak Tree Project mentors and scholarship recipients. My wife Sky began the meeting by sharing her testimony with them. It was powerful! Sky was very vulnerable as she shared (you can listen to her testimony here) and they all paid…

Laughing at Tomorrow

I’m both an analyzer and a planner, and that combination can cause me a lot of stress when I think about the future. I love to plan and look forward to things, but at the same time I tend to over analyze the plans I make and concern myself with all sorts of possible scenarios….
