Author archive: JM Becker

Overcoming Lustful Dreams and Nightmares

Did you know you have the power to control yourself in your dreams? I was shocked to hear this testimony when I was in college from George Verwer who used to struggle greatly with lust and with sexual dreams. Through his meditation of the Word, claiming His identity in Christ, and prayer, he was soon not…

Love and Burdens

One of the greatest struggles for our Oak Tree Project students (and all orphans for that matter) is understanding the difference between actions done out of love and actions done solely out of responsibility. They see a lot of the social workers at the orphanages working solely out of responsibility and the kids often notice…

Prayer Requested

My wife Sky and I have quite a bit lined up in the next month. Next Monday we will begin moving to an apartment in Dangsan. Then that Friday we will be driving down to Busan (the complete opposite side of South Korea) and on the next day I will begin the four day journey of biking across Korea…

Stories of Korea’s Orphans

The following are a few of the stories that inspired Oak Tree Project (there are many more)… 1. One boy who grew up in the home managed to get into college and majored in social welfare. His desire was to become a social worker at an orphanage. His studies required that he do field work as an internship,…

An Orphan’s Fear

Mentoring orphans is not easy, to say the least. Most of the students in Oak Tree Project ( are either true orphans with absolute no family connections (babies in a basket) or know of distant relatives but have little or no relationship with them. Our mentors are dedicated to connecting with their students for not just…

Soccer Camp 2015 – Creating a Kingdom Culture

  On August 10-12, 2015, Jerusalem Ministry had our 8th annual soccer camp for 3rd – 6th grade boys from different children’s homes in Seoul. We had a total of 58 boys participate (one arriving a day late) from eight different orphanages. They were divided into four teams: Argentina, Spain, Brazil, and Germany. Each team had…

Types of Attraction in Relationships

There are three key areas a person can be attracted to another: the physical, the emotional, and the spiritual. The media has chosen to emphasize the first area more and more. But it needs to be asked: Which of these areas endures over time? And which of the areas can love increase and deepen?  The truth…

Waging War

“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist” (a quote from one of my favorite movies, The Usual Suspects). Sadly, many Christians have fallen for this trick and live life completely in the physical realm. When things go bad, many Christians either try to handle it all on their own in…

Great Books to Read…

The following are books that I highly recommend. Most of my favorite books are biographies/autobiographies. Out of the many books I have read, these have remained my favorites… Only Love Can Make a Miracle – Mahesh Chavda (Don’t judge this one by the cover, this is a powerful book!) The Cross and the Switchblade –…

Some Good Music

Rather then writing a blog today, I decided to share these two songs with their lyrics. Hope they bless you! Lyrics… East went looking for West but never found him. Guilt went looking for my past, but only found Love. I heard about a sea where sin sinks like stones. There’s no floor there, just…
