Oak Tree Project and Lifesong For Orphans

Post 4 of 182

Beginning January 1st, 2022, we are shifting our support raising platform over to: https://give.lifesong.org/lifesong/oak-tree-project. We are transitioning all support from Come Quickly Ministries (originally registered under The Journey Church, in Springfield VA) to Oak Tree Project, which we established as an independent NGO in America. Our missionaries, Jerusalem Ministry, and Oak Tree Project will now all be under Oak Tree Project and no longer under Come Quickly Ministries.

Over the past year we have made an exciting partnership with Lifesong For Orphans (www.lifesong.org). Lifesong will now be handling all of our donations and providing tax receipts on our behalf. Lifesong offers all of their services completely free of charge (they raise funds for themselves separately). All donations towards our missionaries (Jee, Mijeong, JM and Sky) and ministries (Oak Tree Project, Jerusalem Ministry) will continue to go directly to them with zero fees being deducted. Below are some answers to questions you may have. If you have any additional questions please comment on this post. 

1. How did this relationship between Oak Tree Project/Jerusalem Ministry and Lifesong for Orphans form? 

I (John-Michael) was connected to some of the Lifesong leaders in December 2020 through a prayer supporter of Oak Tree Project. Over the past year we have held a number of zoom meetings sharing about our experiences and getting to know each other. In June of this year my father and I flew to Illinois to visit Lifesong and meet with the leadership in person. In all our meetings I personally have been encouraged by the heart of the leadership of Lifesong both for orphans and also for adoption. Their heart and their values align very closely with ours. 

2. How does this transition benefit Oak Tree Project, Jerusalem Ministry, and the missionaries serving these ministries?

My father, Pete Becker, a certified CPA, has handled the finances for our ministries since I left for Korea at the end of 2005. As he is nearing retirement we have been praying about how we can transition his work. Lifesong for Orphans offers a number of tools and resources for ministries/missionaries to orphans. One of those resources is providing a platform for support raising and providing free accountant work regarding filing of donations, sending funds to the ministries/missionaries when requested, and sending out tax receipts to the donors. 

Lifesong for Orphans also has an excellent prayer network, a number of orphanage ministries it supports in other countries, healthy stability, and ministry experience that could definitely benefit our work in Korea. Years ago my father had a dream and saw our ministry as a plant in a pot. He saw that the plant could only grow so much in the pot that it was in. He then saw the plant being taken out of the pot and planted into a field where it could grow much bigger. God has been faithful to us these past 16 years. It wasn’t until the past two years that I sensed God leading us towards transition, towards something bigger, and I am excited for what is to come.  

3. How does this transition benefit Lifesong for Orphans?

Some of the leadership at Lifesong have adopted from South Korea so they already have a heart for this country. They were stirred by the testimonies that I shared and genuinely desire to help. Lifesong particularly has a heart to help orphans transition from living in an orphanage to being adults on their own (https://lifesong.org/about/). Oak Tree Project’s ministry lines up closely with the vision and heart of Lifesong. 

4. Does Lifesong for Orphans run Oak Tree Project now?

No. I will continue to be the director of Oak Tree Project and my staff and I will continue to run our ministry in Korea and serve the orphans. While Lifesong will provide encouragement, prayer support, and helpful guidance, they do not meddle in the ministries they support (as is clear in their memorandum of understanding). 

5. Is my support still necessary after this transition?

YES. At this point Lifesong’s main offering of help is providing the new support platform and taking over the work my father had been doing. They are also actively praying for our ministry and may help set up a fundraiser for a healing house for Oak Tree Project. But all of our current missionaries and ministries will continue to rely on the same support network we had before. Your support is crucial and we are very thankful for you. 

Last, In case you are interested in the history of our ministry and how God led me to Korea, please watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnWR6Cm2b9o&ab_channel=JourneyMedia).
