Human Trafficking – A Chance to Make a Difference!

Post 141 of 182


This Saturday a huge bike event will be held just outside Seoul at Ara Rock Park. The Korea Tourist Organization is hosting the event on behalf of Oak Tree Project (our scholarship/mentoring program for orphans) and Hope Be Restored (a rehabilitation center in Korea for victims of sex trafficking). For every kilometer biked 500won (about 50 cents) will be donated to the two groups, so if a person were to bike 20 kilometers they would raise 10,000won (~$10). Also, for every registrant another group will be donating 10,000won (~$10) to the two ministries. Along with the biking there will be a live concert by a Korean pop singer named Brian, an amazing catered BBQ feast for dinner, water rides (kayaking, etc), an air bounce for kids, face painting for kids, camping, and other fun stuff.

BUT, there has been some static with this event. While the Korea Tourist Organization (KTO) loves supporting the orphans and will be inviting kids from orphanages free of charge, they are very hesitant about any awareness regarding sex trafficking happening at the event. I think their fear is that the foreigners and people attending will be turned off or even depressed by any material about sex trafficking. The topic of sex trafficking is very taboo in Korea and brings a lot of shame on the country. The KTO is also very well connected with Korean politicians, corporations, and media groups. This is their biggest event ever, so they want to invite many key, influential people to come out and see it. Already a couple big companies are helping sponsor the event and a Japanese media group will be attending. This event has huge potential!

We will not be presenting material that will shame Korea at the event. And the truth is almost all of the people registering want to see changes in Korea regarding all the prostitution and sex trafficking here. We do not want the cause to be watered down or even hidden. We want to make a difference, and we could use your help!

How can you make a difference? A Facebook page was made to help show the KTO how important awareness of human trafficking is: The more people like this page the more the KTO (and the politicians, corporate sponsors, and media groups paying attention to this event) will see the importance of this agenda and change their stance. Because the KTO has so many government and corporate connections, the potential for change is huge! To make a difference, please go to the page and like it. To make an even bigger difference: share this with your friends on Facebook! Encourage more people to like the page. Comments and videos expressing support are encouraged as well. The more the likes though, the more notice will be taken. Because the KTO is a tourist organization their goal is to reach foreigners, so the more foreigners that respond the more they will know the weight of this issue!

If you are in Korea, please come out to the bike event. As of Monday (Oct 22) there are 368 people who have registered along with 45 kids from four different orphanages. Our prayer is for 1,000 total by Saturday. If you are in Korea please share the event with anyone and everyone:

Thank you for your support! We want to see justice roll on like a river for the orphans and for the victims of sex trafficking! Amen!
