Your True Identity

Post 102 of 182

Over the years of serving the orphans, pastoring at a church, and directing a healing/deliverance ministry, the subject of “identity” has stood out the most to me. With all the superhero movies in Hollywood this past decade, it seems the subject has been on their minds as well. “Who am I?” “Why am I here?” “How do I fit in?” “Can I really succeed?”

Identity is critical. God the Father knew this and so it was the first thing He addressed to Jesus in the Gospels. Satan knew this as well, so it was the first area he attacked when he met Jesus in the wilderness. God wants us to know both our identity in Christ (the traits every believer has in the Lord) and our prophetic identity (our unique design, purpose, and gifting). Satan wants us to be as lost as possible regarding our identity. Satan wants us to waste years of our lives pursuing degrees in areas we were never meant to study. Satan wants us to feel empty and dissatisfied with both our jobs and with our place in the church. Satan wants us to feel hopeless and ashamed, the exact opposite of who we are meant to be in Christ.

The following sermon is one of the most important to me. I know the sermon, “Sex, Soul Ties, and Pornography” got the most views and that I’ve preached other sermons that people were stirred up by, but this sermon is critical to the foundation and growth of a believer. Without understanding our identity in Christ and our prophetic identity, no matter what great sermons we hear we will never be able to fully achieve what God has for us.

This sermon was given at our 4pm service and wasn’t supposed to be filmed, but one friend chose to record it by herself (thank you!). May it stir you up! If you want the Identities in Christ document, please go to this link

God bless!
