Spiritual Foundations

Post 146 of 182


Back when I was 19 years old I attended some “spiritual maturity” classes that my church at Virginia Tech offered. Their simple teachings on prayer and on the Word transformed my relationship with God. I always love to share these teachings with people, especially with those who are just growing in their faith.

This seminar explains the Gospel, basic healing and deliverance, prayer, the Word, and praise/worship. I apologize that there is no video. It shouldn’t be too difficult to imagine the illustrations that I give, though.

For more resources please see: https://www.comequicklyministries.org/sermons/resources/. The Identities in Christ is a must read, in my opinion.

Sorry for the short blog post. Sky and I just moved to another apartment in Seoul so life has been a little extra busy lately. If you would like to be able to download the seminar then right click the link below and select, “Save link as.” Hope you’re blessed!

2013.09.08.sun – Spiritual Foundations Seminar – jmb
